There are many essential oils which can be used to relieve headaches far more safely than the ubiquitous aspirin. Out of the great range of analgesic oils, those which seem to be most effective are Lavender and Peppermint, either separately or in combination. Rosemary is another oil which clears the head and relieves pain, especially if the headache follows a period of mental effort.

Lavender can be rubbed neat on the temples (just a few drops), or made into a cold compress and applied to either the temples, forehead or the back of the neck. A mixture of Lavender and Peppermint in equal proportions may be even more effective, for Lavender has the ability to enhance the action of other oils when it is used in blends. It is also worth noting that while Lavender is a sedative, Peppermint is a stimulant, and that many commercial headache remedies combine a stimulant (usually caffeine) with one or more analgesics. This is because many of the painkilling drugs have a slightly sedative and sometimes even a depressant effect, and the caffeine is included to counteract this. By using Lavender and Peppermint a similar effect is produced without the dangers inherent in synthetic drugs.

If the headache is caused by catarrh or sinus infection, inhalations with Lavender, Peppermint, Rosemary or Eucalyptus will usually be very effective in both relieving the headache and clearing the congestion that is causing it. All these oils are antiseptic, and will combat the nasal infection as well as giving immediate relief of symptoms.

Most headaches can be easily traced to an immediate cause - fatigue, stuffy rooms, eyestrain, tension - but headaches that appear with no apparent reason, and any headache which is persistent or recurrent needs to be given some careful thought. It may be that the sufferer's lifestyle, diet or environment need changing, or less frequently, it may be that headaches are a sign of more serious disorders that need proper treatment.

Ten easy steps to help relieve headaches:

Step 1. Use lavender and rosemary oils in a blend to relieve the stiff neck so often associated with a headache.

Step 2. Apply your massage oil blend to the temples, forehead and to the base of the skull using circular pressure with your fingertips.

Step 3. Massage your neck and shoulders, face and scalp as you apply your blend.

Step 4. Apply a cold compress with 2 drops of peppermint oil added to the forehead.

Step 5. Blend lavender and majoram oils to enhance their soothing and quieting effect.

Step 6. Apply lavender oil to the temples to relieve headache.

Step 7. Put a drop or 2 of lavender oil on your pillow to calm and quiet your mind while you sleep.

Step 8. Blend camomile and geranium oil for its ability to calm and ease anxiety, as well as, stress related headaches.

Step 9. Relieve a sinus headache by inhaling a few drops of marjoram from your handkerchief.

Step 10. Use rose oil in your next facial oil to calm your nerves, lift your spirit and relieve your headache.

Prolonged work on a computer can produce headache symptoms. Use one of the methods above and take regular breaks from the screen. Take a walk in the fresh air to freshen the mind.

See also Headache Massage Blend and Migrane.

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