Good hospitality is all very well but it can certainly take its toll. Too much alcohol leads to dehydration and results in the miserable sensations which every one of us has surely experienced at least once - nausea, headache and loss of equilibrium. 'Never again,' we say, meaning it! To a greater or lesser degree the body is having to cope with poisoning. In this respect there is quite a lot we can do to ensure that we don't feel so bad the next time we have a party. Wines and beers vary enormously in their chemical content. Some are organic, in that their ingredients were not cultivated with chemicals nor were chemicals added in their processing; while others are practically pure chemical. Good-quality organic drinks will do far less damage - in terms both of your head the morning after, and of your liver over a longer period of time. You can now buy organic wines at most large food chainstores, but if you can't find them go for the more expensive bottles and most certainly avoid those labelled 'From more than one country'.

Other preventative measures against hangovers include drinking plenty of water before you drink alcohol, as this slows down the absorption rate and allows the body to cope better. Before going to sleep, take at least 1000 milligrams of vitamin C. (A higher dose, up to 2000mg, will be more effective but may cause diarrhoea.) Do not drink black coffee as this will make things worse. Drinking plenty of water after the event will certainly help because it provides something to flush the toxins out of the body, but as the poisons are released you will feel tipsy again until urination and defecation flush them out.

These are the essential oils which will help return the body to its pre-alcoholic state:


Juniper,   Sandalwood,   Grapefruit,  LavenderCarrotFennel, Rosemary, Lemon

You can make your own blends from this list, using a total of 6-8 drops in a bath or 4 drops in an inhalation. The oils do have slightly different effects and you can see their differences by looking at the two formulas below: the first is sedative, the second stimulating.

Apart from flushing the toxins out of the body by the usual elimination methods, sleep is the best remedy for a hangover. For the lucky ones who can take it easy during the morning and even the afternoon after the night before, here is a relaxing blend of oils that will help your body deal with the onslaught that last night went by the name of fun.


Fennel 5 drops
Lavender 3 drops
Sandalwood 5 drops
Lemon 10 drops

Blend  and  bottle,   ready  for  the  next emergency.
Use 8 drops in a bath, rub 2 neat drops around the liver area, and 2 neat drops on the back of the neck. Drink plenty of water with honey dissolved in it as well as eating a spoonful of honey into which 2 drops of carrot oil have been blended.

For those who have to battle through the rush hour and get to work on the morning after a heavy night of drinking, or get the children organised, for school, here is a formula that will give you the necessary stimulation. It also has a diuretic effect.


Grapefruit 10 drops
Rosemary 7 drops
Fennel 4 drops
Juniper 3 drops

Blend and bottle. Use 8 drops in a bath, rub 2 neat drops around the liver area, and 2 neat drops on the back of the neck. Drink plenty of water with honey dissolved in it as well as eating a spoonful of honey into which 2 drops of carrot oil have been blended.

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Essential Oils